What kinds of food options are there to eat in Western Europe?
2005-12-15 07:59:24 UTC
What kinds of food options are there to eat in Western Europe?
Four answers:
2005-12-17 00:31:14 UTC
absoutly anything. For a Amazing cheap meal, hit up a Donner Kebab stand for a 3 euro super delicious meal. Amazingly, McDonalds is taken as Serious american quisine over in europe and the food is delicious (i hate american McDonalds), but its good to reconect with your American side when your over there. I'd recomend going out to a local market and making your own meal or making a picnic, there are so many places to enjoy, why be cramped up in a restruant? Prices are expensive in All of westren europe so be prepared for that. Also in italy, NEVER sit down and order your food. When you are standing up, there is a goverment regulated price on food and drink, but when you sit down, you get the Service charge. for about 4 dollars in rome Right down the street from the vatican, i got 2 of the most amazing grilled paninis Ever, we talked to the watier afterwards for the restrant and he said if we would have been siting that would have cost us about 12 american!!! watch out for that stuff!
2005-12-25 14:39:26 UTC
but which country? every country has its specials. do you think Europe is a unique state? Europe has a lot of beatiful differences. but you can eat from McDonalds everywhere; but it is not my offer. i hate mcdonalds.
2005-12-15 08:10:02 UTC
All options open. Just like in the US.
2005-12-15 08:04:49 UTC
same as in america except with more variety...and whice country are you refering to... cause there are sooooo many countries in europe!

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