My mom and I are supposed to be going to Europe but I have to do something at school.Which is more important?
2005-12-31 08:33:06 UTC
I am running for Student council President and it would change my school year for me and get me to be more popular.But I wanted to go to Europe so bad.
Four answers:
2005-12-31 08:36:03 UTC
Go to Europe. Who knows if you'll ever have the chance to go again. It will be a life changing experience that others would die for. Is this the last time you'll be able to run for office?
2005-12-31 08:45:15 UTC
Go to Europe. Aside the fact that it's much more interesting then being the president, there's also a lot of money invested in such a trip, and if your mother already planned it, she will be EXTREMELY upset if you don't go. Being the president will not change your life forever, visiting Europe might.
2005-12-31 08:36:07 UTC
Popularity is not necessary. I would go to Europe and enjoy the unique experience. You may become popular because you went to Europe? And the question is, would you be popular for the right reason? Or would they want to befriend you because you're the Student Counicl President?
2005-12-31 12:34:23 UTC
Do not hesitate for a moment, Europe is wonderful and who knows when you will get the chance again. is short, dont buy your bannanas green.

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